As a glinn, he served under Gul Dukat aboard the freighter Groumall, and later as Gul Dukat's aide when the Cardassian Union joined the Dominion and then captured Deep Space Nine. Kimara Cretak was first portrayed by Megan Cole in " Image in the Sand" and " Shadows and Symbols," and Adrienne Barbeau in "Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges." Damar ĭamar is a Cardassian military officer portrayed by Casey Biggs. She is accused of treason against the Star Empire and found guilty in the episode " Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges." The ending of the episode leaves her fate ambiguous, with it unclear if she will be imprisoned or executed. Kimara Cretak is a Senator and representative of the Romulan empire for a short time aboard Deep Space Nine.

In the mirror universe episode " Resurrection", the Bareil from that universe is a petty thief who is close to the alternate Kira. His continued efforts in this weakened state cause brain damage, and eventually his death. Julian Bashir has to replace his failing organs with cybernetics so that he can continue to advise Winn in negotiations with the Cardassians. Bareil is injured in a shuttle explosion, and Dr. He runs against Vedek Winn Adami for the role of Kai, but is forced to drop out to protect the reputation of the previous Kai, Opaka.

īareil becomes romantically involved with Kira. Bareil becomes a recurring character noted for his relationship with Major Kira Nerys, a subplot that begins at the start of season 2 and concludes in "Lifesupport". He first appears in the episode "In the Hands of the Prophets" in the first season, where he is introduced as a Bajoran religious leader, and is the target of an assassination plot. Recurring characters Bareil Antos īareil Antos is a Bajoran Vedek played by Philip Anglim.